Holds, how they work, what to expect and other helpful information.

What is a hold A hold is timespan that a membership isn’t being paid for but they also don’t have access to members only, instagram or facebook.

How long are holds, how do you get one. A user can put their accounts on hold in monthly increments. Choosing one, two or three month span. They are however limited to three months in a year. If they choose to break that up into monthly increments through out the year or three months consecutively is up to them. Admins can also apply holds for monthly increments but are not limited to three months.

If a user has used three months of holds however they will not be allowed to add another hold.

Holds happen when, exactly? A hold starts on the next billing date, and lasts for as many months as defined. For example I sign up sepetmber 28th, and pay my first $19 for a monthly membership. I then set myself on hold for one month. I have access to members only etc until october 28th October 28th to november 28th my account is set on hold. On October 28th (Hold Starts) i’m not charged but I also don’t have access to wodify, members only, instagram, facebook. On November 28th (Hold Ends) i’m charged $19 because my hold is up and membership continues. Same day access to wodify, members only, instagram and facebook.

Hold Statuses

  • Only exists on hold table, not on hold object on user. Pending - upcoming Active - cron server got hold and activated it Canceled - canceled Error - couldn’t sync with stripe or cron server error Ended - reached last day

How does Membership status work with a hold? This is complicated, I’ll be back

User Can do

User Sees

Admin Can do

Admin Sees