Version 1.55.59

What’s New

  • We added new sign ups and athlete trend and a couple other cool reports to the memberships dashboard in admin. Charts and graphs never looked so good.
  • Admins can now manually add an verification from Membership Management.
  • There are new components for Gross and Net sales for that before and after vibe.
  • About Me has a fancy new button that shows a user has been verified through
  • military and LEO verification now allows two unique users to validate with the same unique ID because sharing is caring.
  • Invoices now collect more data and have their very own badge on the invoice table so a user can always see how invoices are doing.
  • We added a social media status to the member profile in admin. Kind of like a relationship status, but not as cute.

Bug Fixes

  • There was a way to accidentally uncheck the “Agree to Terms” box on the Terms and Conditions page, which is a major no-no. That box now stays checked.

  • We fixed a bug that cleared demographic data after a user verified an account. No one likes to re-click all the things.

  • Coupons were not updated automatically from Stripe. Now they are updated from Stripe automatically. So cute.

  • The occasional new user profile had a janky save button and it was impossible to save address updates on leads - both were inconvenient and both are now fixed.

  • We fixed a bug that showed the wrong amount after discounts were applied. No more fake news.

  • We removed some helper text that was no longer helpy and added helper text to country selection in the sign-up process.

  • We did some aesthetic maintenance in the form of adding a helpful error message, getting rid of some unnecessary white spacee, throwing in an important comma, changing an image and adjusting some padding.