Version 2.3.05 debuts some functional enhancements, improved scheduling abilities and a handful of fixed bugs.

What’s New

  • We implemented the open source redis-cluster with kubernetes i.e. our servers still have functionality when something goes awry. And it can be handled without a bunch of lame downtime.
  • We added some increased time zone functionality to our backend so we can tell our system what to do whenever we want.
  • We have a server (a “redis server” to be exact) that hangs onto key information for quick access. We did a thing that backs up even more data, and the whole situation can handle major workload like a boss.
  • Our server now tells us, in a more informed way, what it’s problem is.
  • Coupons are no longer just for slowing down a line at the grocery store. Users can now apply a coupon during a membership change.
  • Admins can now quickly and immediately cancel past due accounts. #likeabandaid

Bug Fixes

  • The time zone scheduler was not triggering emails. (How dare it.) We fixed it and it’s now behaving itself.

  • If a military/first responder user signed up while a promotion was running, some wires got crossed and the pay button showed incorrect pricing. We uncrossed the wires and pricing is showing properly.

  • We had a bug that allowed the payment page to occasionally ignore the membership selected by the user. We had a sit down with the payment page and it’s now using better listening skills.

  • We added a timezone package that killed the jobs (jobs = things we told the server to do), so we fixed it. File that under whoopsie.

  • Some users entered credit card information that declined and the error message returned by Stripe was equivalent to a sassy brush off. We changed to a more thoughtful message.

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