Version 2.3.07 debuts a improvements to hold and coupon features as well as a bug fix for Admins.

What’s New

  • We did extensive work on all sides of membership holds and laid groundwork for future enhancements. ::sings Wilson Phillips: hollllllld on for one more dayyyy::
  • We updated Stripe packages and interfaces. When those aren’t up to date it’s not a cute look. And basically we had to do that thing in order to do another thing.
  • The aforementioned “another thing” is a work in progress that keeps track of members and their coupon use history, which is used to prevent duplicate coupon use attempts. Repeat coupon-appliers must. be. stopped.

Bug Fixes

  • There was a bug causing the Support Dashboard to show an incorrect number of support tickets. It was a Type A nightmare and it has been remedied.

PR#57 PR#62 PR#65