Version 3.4.0 debuts a user notification update, text and formatting changes as well as some performance boosters.

What’s New

  • When bulk emails are sent out, the notification table for each individual user is updated. So it’s not just one bulk “hey this was sent” kinda vibe and more of a “You’ve got mail!” kinda vibe.
  • We added a performance enhancement that essentially cuts out the middleman between users and servers and makes things totes fast. (And super important for handling loads of members.)
  • We removed the bold formatting on the email verification page, because calm down, it’s just a verification page - no need for any bold sass-text.
  • We added the shopify-coupon-id to the link sent in the SP Mama’s email. It’s now a simple click and go situation. Easy peasy - just like parenthood.
  • We updated some language on the payment page so it’s a little smoother and made some helper text even helpier.
  • We added a cute little 🌙 “sleep” button on the social media table. It’s less about beauty rest and more about allowing Admins to set a “sleep” timer on a member pending an ADD or REMOVE from social media platforms.

PR#88 PR#89 PR#90 PR#92 PR#93 PR#95 PR#96 PR#97 PR#98

my-streetparking-backend-emailer@2.5.3 | my-streetparking-backend-fitness@2.1.2 |
my-streetparking-backend@3.3.0 | my-streetparking-cron@2.6.3 | my-streetparking-frontend@3.4.0 | my-streetparking-slack@2.5.2 | taskmaster@0.1.3