Version 3.6.0 debuts some important data management optimization, a major change to holds and two tackled bugs.

What’s New

  • When a user purchases a new gift card, the coupon is autogenerated, viewable by Admin and an email with the coupon/gift card details is automatically sent to the user. It’s so fetch!
  • Users used to be able to go on hold, cancel the hold, then go on hold again over and over. Snip, snap, snip, snap, snip, snap! Do you have any idea the toll repeatedly going on and off holds can take? Turns out the toll was pretty legit, so we removed the hold option for users and gave admins exclusive permissions to cancel holds.
  • Staff can now see the Manage Membership menu options that users can see. And, as the old saying goes: If you have to do all the things, you need to see all the things.
  • We implemented a rate limiter, which is what amounts to a super smarty pants traffic controller (with the cool orange wands and all), to help avoid system jams.
  • We put in place a system to make sure user data is ALWAYS in sync with Stripe so that information is not lost in a ridiculous game of telephone.

Bug Fixes

  • There was an annoying bug that kept Admins from seeing Lead profiles. We fixed it because who do you think you are? And…what gives you the right?

  • Some users weren’t able to see the newest options on Manage Membership pages - instead they were stuck with the crusty old version. We fixed it and now they see the gorgeously way more helpful version.

PR#107 PR#108 PR#109 PR#110 PR#112

my-streetparking-backend-emailer@2.7.0 | my-streetparking-backend-fitness@2.3.0 |
my-streetparking-backend@3.6.0 | my-streetparking-cron@2.8.0 | my-streetparking-frontend@3.6.0 | my-streetparking-slack@2.7.0 | -taskmaster@0.3.0