Version 6.18.0 debuts a one to one ratio of features to bugs.


  • We are no longer requiring users to input a gender or marital status on sign up. This makes the sign up process even swifter, saves users from choosing from limited options AND saves Support Admins from frustrated emails wanting to know why we need to know all the things in this day and age, plus it’s complicated so just let me sign up for fitness already thank you.

  • Admins now have the ability to filter users by their goals! So that’s fun.

  • We added an expiration date to the coupon code page so Admins can see when a coupon is past its use by date and needs to be put in the freezer or thrown out.


  • Admins can now see a user’s invoice history even when they’re inactive. It’s not funny, but it’s a bug fix, so it has to be on here.

  • At first, Admins could search by an athlete’s full name, and then they couldn’t, but that made some searches real annoying, so we re-wired that capability and it and now Admins can search for full names such as Princess Consuela Banana Hammock and see all applicable results.

  • Incomplete Expired users had a bug in their menu that didn’t show all of the options they needed, but we fixed it and now they can see all applicable options because what’s worse than a bug in your menu, amiright?


RN Ninja: RO