Version 6.30.0 debuts intermingled features and fixes of the Workout Builer, scoring - and we made it really fast (not like we created it really fast, just that it works really fast, but it was also created at a pretty solid pace too. Anyway…Speed).

Features & Fixes

  • You know how navigating Wo…ahem…the “other” platform was slow? Like…pick up a new hobby and become a 10,000 hour expert while you’re waiting for shi…stuff to load, kinda slow? Well, navigating the Workout Builder is WAY faster. It has to do with a super smarty way we use caching to manage things, but mostly you just need to know it’s speedy!

  • OMG Guess what?! Users can now score a workout. Yep, for realsies. (But they also kind of can’t because no one has permission to see it yet.) K, byeeeeeee.

  • If a feature is released, but it’s hidden from users, did it even make a sound? Well, we think it did because users can now score a workout (if they have access that is)!

  • THERE’S SO MUCH!! In case you missed it: Daily Workouts can be seen by a user (they’re hidden like scoring though, so don’t try), but we’ve added, updated, and improved stuff. For example:
    • Members can now choose to score their workouts using the standard OR metric system so you can stop lugging around your calculator and double sided rulers.
    • When a user tries to look really far ahead at a workout, they see a countdown timer giving them a nifty numerical announcement telling them when the workout will be viewable down to the second.
    • We added emojis to scoring. So, whether you feel like a mega smiley or a frownie face after your workout or a somewhere in between, you can record your #mood.

  • The Workout Builder is growing up so fast! ::sniff:: Seems like it was only yesterday when we kept saying “Oh! It’ll be here any day!” and now it’s here and we can’t remember what life was like without it:
    • Success messages are now handily located in the bottom right of the screen instead of stuck at the top where they used to live. It’s called a “snack bar” in case you wanted to know. (Devs use a lot of food lingo.)
    • Scrolling is so passé. Users can now minimize workout components instead of having all that content stack up into a problematically long list.
    • We changed the names of some buttons to make more sense. Sorry for the nonsense buttons.
    • When users create a movement, it now automatically defaults to active, which feels more apropos than the former default of inactive.
    • Now a user can click on the title of a warm up and the text/description will display below title (instead of nothing…which is what was happening before.)
    • Notes with only text or title can be added so users can get super flexy with labeling workout components. You do you, boo.
    • If a date is part of the workout title, it will now display a more orderly DD/MM/YYYY -instead of the year first format (for techy reasons). How could anyone possibly understand the date with the year listed first?! It’s just too much to ask of a human mind. I kid, I kid!! Everyone likes it better this way. Please don’t be mad at me.
    • We added some helpy prefill text for workout directives for men and women so coaches can spend less time typing and more time doing other coachy things.

      # GO GALLOS!!!


RN Ninja: RO