Version 6.40.0 debuts two feature updates and two bug fixes. Even Steven…or Stephen.


  • Users can now favorite and unfavorite a workout and view it under the favorites tab. Gold stars all around. Except not, because that wouldn’t be favorites then would it.
  • We spruced up the scoring emojis! Smile. Or Grimace…or have heart eyes. You choose. That’s why they’re there.
  • We added a ‘replace media’ button to media detail pages so that Admins can…replace media. Go figure.


  • We had a link to Extra Programs that didn’t work on certain days of the week and no one asked for that, so we made it work err day.
  • The arrows on the left and right of the media carousel used to point the same direction, like finger guns, but they’re not finger guns, they’re arrows, so we fixed.


RN Ninja: RO