Version 6.72.0

Features & Updates

  • We did some majorly gnar gnar coding (#itsalive) and you can now set time zones to challenges (including Vault) giving coach admins the ability to choose when users will be able to view and complete challenges. Vault is now set to run on PST.

  • We moved Payments over to join Manage Membership. It’s settling in nicely.

  • We had some eye-twitchingly shifty spacing differences between cards on various pages (User Dashboard, Extra Programs, Collections) which we have now made uniform so your eyelids can chill.

  • We nudged the month and year down to be centered on daily workouts - ‘twas askew.

  • On a related note, those formerly shifty cards now span the width on mobile and look super clean.


  • Support support! If a member cancels and does not list a reason, the support ticket is created and marked complete. (When a member leaves a feedback message, the ticket is created with a status of new.) Easy button.

  • This just in: if a member changes their membership while it’s past due, the previous invoice is voided and a new one is created to reflect the membership change. Booya. Suck it Stripe.

  • iPad styling was showing up a little funky, so we unfunked it and now the tablet toting population are looking at a cleaner view.


RN Ninja: RO